Accessibility Tools
Our storage boxes are made of waterproof and low-temperature resistant cardboard.
Each box is available in two different designs:
- standard version
- coated version
In comparison to the standard boxes, the coated versions
are additionally covered with water-repellent plastic.
The cardboard boxes have the following outer dimensions (lid):
Type A storage boxes = 136 x 136 mm
Type B storage boxes = 133 x 133 mm
Both types are available in different heights and with dividers.
You will find a variety of matching cardboard dividers here.
Structure of Item numbers
(example: KA501-W)
K = product group (K=boxes)
A = type of box (here: A = 136x136mm)
50 = inner height of box (here 50mm)
1 = version ( 1 = standard / 2 = coated)
W = color (w = white)