Starting on September 1st 2005 we (Kay Thierfeldt and Tobias Mahn) founded our company as a distributor for products for sample storage systems. Within a short period of time our tange of customers growed very much and at the same time weh ad the opportunity to acquire our former supplier. That´s why we started to build our own business location in autumn of 2007 in Alt Mölln.
Our company history at a glance
01 September 2005
Foundation as a pure distribution company for sample storage systems
01 September 2005
Autumn 2007
Company headquarter Stecknitztal
Beginning of construction work on the new and larger headquarter in the Stecknitztal
February 2008
Move into the new headquarter
The construction work was completed and we were able to obtain our new company headquarter incl. production
February 2008
Creation of a small storage area
In order to expand our storage capacities, we have grown another small storage area in 2011
Company anniversary and completion 2. Hall
With our 10-year company anniversary, we were able to complete our second hall at the same time and inaugurate
Extension / modernization of the machine park
Since 2016, a fiber laser and automated deburring machines have been among our machine park
In February 2008, it was time so far that we were able to relate the new own rooms. Over the next few years, our employees grew steadily and new machines for improving production kept their way with us. New chafers, press presses and various other tools. In 2011, the cultivation of a small storage room took place.
But with still growing business we needed even more space and room to handle the manufacturing of our products and shipment of everything. Therefore we decided to build a new hall.
In Summer of 2015 on time with the 10-years-anniversary of our company the contruction works were completed. Since summer 2016 we own a faser-laser so that we are able to cut an manufacture even more complex and special racks. Also the deburring of all of our single parts is done with a new powerful tool. So we are able to make sure to only deliver highest quality racks.